
Speaker McCarthy Breaks Silence, Explains Why He Gave January 6th Tapes To Tucker Carlson

Some elections matter more than others.

The GOP’s victory in taking back control of the US House of Representatives in 2022, was one of them.

Following former Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) tyrannical reign from 2019 to 2023, the new Republican Speaker has the spotlight pointed directly on him.

A few days after the news broke that Fox News host Tucker Carlson received access to tens of thousands of hours of January 6 U.S. Capitol surveillance footage, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) opened up about why he made the decision.

McCarthy reportedly gave 41,000 hours of exclusive U.S. Capitol surveillance footage to Carlson, who could begin airing the highly anticipated release on his programs in the coming weeks.

“I promised,” McCarthy told The New York Times on Wednesday. “I was asked in the press about these tapes, and I said they do belong to the American public. I think sunshine lets everybody make their own judgment.”

The speaker said last month he was considering releasing the tapes because of the “politicization” he believed had been engineered by Pelosi and the partisan January 6 Committee, which focused heavily on former President Donald Trump in its investigation and final report.

At the time, McCarthy did not divulge how he was going to make it happen.

Carlson confirmed on his show, “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” that his team has been granted what they believe to be “unfettered” access to the tapes, and he plans to start sharing what they have found next week.

“Some of our smartest producers have been there looking at this stuff, trying to figure out what it means and how it contradicts, or not, the story that we’ve been told for more than two years,” Carlson said. “We think already that in some ways it does contradict that story.”

“[T]here was never any legitimate reason for this footage to remain secret,” Carlson told Axios. “If there was ever a question that’s in the public’s interest to know, it’s what actually happened on January 6.”

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On January 6, 2021, a crowd entered the U.S. Capitol, disrupting lawmakers meeting to certify President Joe Biden’s 2020 election victory. Previous reports said that cameras in and around the Capitol captured more than 14,000 hours of footage between noon and 8 p.m. that day, according to the Capitol Police. However, Axios reported nearly 30,000 more hours of footage exist.

“By definition, this video will reveal it,” Carlson said.

“It’s impossible for me to understand why any honest person would be bothered by that,” Carlson added.

Well America, we will now get the rest of the story concerning the events of January 6th.

The videos could provide the evidence needed to help the January 6th political prisoners gain their freedoms.


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