
Clueless Carjacker Targets DEA Vehicle, Gets Slammed, Needed Facial Surgery

Not all criminals have a brain and in New York there appears to be a growing number of clueless thugs roaming the declining streets of the formerly thriving, Big Apple.

A would-be carjacker got his face smashed in Manhattan last week after he tried to hi-jack a federal Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) veteran who wasn’t having a bit of it.

The agent had just finished his shift and was in his government-issued Jeep at a red light after midnight on Dec. 9, when a Zachary Bell approached, authorities told the New York Post.

“Get the f*** out of the car,” Bell, 32, screamed at the agent, the paper said, citing a criminal complaint filed in Manhattan Federal Court.

Prosecutors said Bell then reached toward his waistband as if he had a gun, the Post reported.

But the agent — who’s been with the DEA for seven years and is assigned to the New York Drug Enforcement Task Force, the paper said — sprung into action in a big way.

He switched on the car’s police lights, pulled out his own gun, hit Bell in the face, tackled him to the ground, and handcuffed him, according to court papers.

He then called the police.

Bell, who has never been convicted of a crime, was taken to the hospital after the incident. He has “severe” facial injuries requiring surgery, said his attorney, Ariel Werner, during a bail hearing last week.

The agent was not publicly identified. DEA policy considers agents to be on duty even when traveling to and from the job.

Responding cops found a gravity knife on Bell, who was charged with attempted carjacking and assaulting a federal officer, authorities said.

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Werner told the judge that the prosecutor described surveillance video of the incident to her that showed Bell approaching the driver-side door of the Jeep and waving his arms before walking after the car.

“I think that we will come to find that this was a misunderstanding with very severe consequences,” she said.

“Based on what I have learned so far, I do not believe that the complaint is an accurate statement of what occurred,” said Werner, who did not elaborate.

Bell was released Tuesday on a $30,000 bond and must refrain from alcohol as a condition of his release, court papers show.

He will also undergo drug testing and is not allowed to travel outside New York or New Jersey, as an additional condition of his release.

From my point of view, Bell should stick with his day job and drop the wanna-be gangster gig, his face can’t take much more damage.

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