
Biden Approval Lowest Of Presidency, Only 31% Overall

The progressive’s multi-generational attack on traditional American values is paying for them.

Even though Joe Biden has performed poorly as the 46th President of The United States resulting in the majority of Americans disapproving of his efforts, the administration is still systematically deconstructing America, which was established using Biblical underpinnings.

President Joe Biden’s approval rating is down to the lowest of his presidency, at only 31 percent approval and 57 percent disapproval, according to the CIVIQS rolling job-approval average as of Saturday.

While 12 percent of all survey participants did not approve or disapprove of the president, the majority of respondents in 48 states disapprove of Biden’s job performance. The only two states in which he is above water are Hawaii and Vermont.

Overall, Biden has a net approval of negative 26.

The 31 percent approval rating marks Biden’s worst approval rating since becoming president, down from 32 percent and 33 percent in earlier June and 34 percent in May.

Biden is underwater with independent respondents — a voter bloc that has an increasingly strong influence on election results. Only 20 percent of independent respondents say they approve of Biden, while 67 percent disapprove, with 13 percent having no opinion.

Biden’s collapsing numbers come as a record low number of U.S. adults report that they are “extremely proud to be American,” despite President Joe Biden’s promise to “restore the soul and to secure the future of America.”

Only Thirty-eight percent now say they are “extremely proud” to be an American, which is the lowest percentage since Gallup began tracking the trend in 2001.

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Still, 65 percent of adults polled say they are either “extremely” or “very” proud of the nation — 27 percent are “very proud,” and 22 percent are “moderately proud.” Nine percent are “only a little,” and 4 percent are “not at all proud.”

“This record-low level of extreme national pride comes at a challenging time in the U.S. as a pandemic-weary public is struggling with the highest U.S. inflation rate in more than four decades,” Gallup stated, noting that the poll was conducted after the Buffalo and Uvalde mass shootings but before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade.

Our hope for our nation is for a repentant church to once again share the Gospel and Biblical truths including morality.

Then those who demand law and order must elect officials who will close the Department of Education, sending it back to the states.

Then they must fix immigration by removing asylum, amnesty, and chain migration from an updated immigration bill.


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Conservative independent talk show host and owner of https://FinishTheRace. USMC Veteran fighting daily to preserve Faith - Family - Country values in the United States of America.


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