
Steve Bannon After Arrest: “We Are Winning! The People Behind The Scenes Support Us!”

It is no secret that the far left has developed Trump Derangement Syndrome.

For close to 2 years now, following former President Trump’s departure from public office, their angry mob has continued to try to destroy Trump, his family, his supporters, and Trump’s various businesses.

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During her campaign for DA, Letitia “Tish” James said she intended to aggressively investigate Trump’s businesses and finances.

On the night of her victory, she stood in front of supporters in Brooklyn and all but declared a war against Trump: “I will be shining a bright light into every dark corner of his real estate dealings, and every dealing, demanding truthfulness at every turn.”

On Wednesday, the Democrat’s second most despised public figure, Steve Bannon, learned he was facing new criminal charges in NYC, similar to the fraud investigation for which he was pardoned by Trump before the number 45 left the White House.

Yes, Bannon was already pardoned by the president, but the anti-Maga NYC DA has filed state charges for the same alleged crimes.

GETTR CEO Jason Miller posted this statement Wednesday morning from Steve Bannon.


On Thursday Former Chief Strategist for President Trump, Steve Bannon, traveled to New York City and turned himself in after was indicted on new TRUMPED up charges.

Bannon is being indicted in New York for his alleged role in “defrauding donors” who gave to the We Build the Wall charity.

The charity built more border walls, for less money, which also made them a target of the anti-wall leftists in New York.

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Instead of cowering following his arrest, Bannon went on the Alex Jones show to discuss what happened and told the American people “We are winning.”

From the video:

Jones: How do we support the War Room? How do we support one of our main champions?

Bannon: I think it is very simple. Look go to War, go to Rumble or go to Real America’s Voice and any of our distribution partners and just watch the show. All we ask is that you just, it’s all free we don’t have any paywall. Just share it. All we want is share. Listen, one of the things I find most powerful is that I see Alex Jones content everywhere on different things. That means we’re winning. That means they can’t shut it down because they can’t stop this content and they understand the more people that see the content. Look they’ve taken Alex Jones off of everything your content is still out there bigger than ever. They tried to shut War Room down off of everything. YouTube and Facebook and Twitter and all of it and we’re bigger than ever because why the audience is sharing it.

Jones: The way you looked in that courtroom just absolutely looked energized, not even defiant but it is an image of victory and instead of being defeated at that point I just see a man that knows he is where he is supposed to be or he wanted to be. Can you just speak thirty seconds to how you were feeling in that Kangaroo court?

Bannon: Very powerful. It was one of the best days of my life. I tell you I had a chance to visit with some of the officers and stuff. There are so many MAGA people, there are so many people that are afraid, that have to be because of their jobs. We are winning. The people behind the scenes support us – trust me. We are winning. We have two-thirds of the American people in the back of us.


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Conservative independent talk show host and owner of https://FinishTheRace. USMC Veteran fighting daily to preserve Faith - Family - Country values in the United States of America.


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