
Speaker McCarthy: ‘No More Proxy Voting,’ Lawmakers ‘Have to Show Up to Work’

During COVID-19 the regular order of business throughout the government was modified over safety concerns and in order to slow the spread of the virus.

On May 15, 2020, Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Democratic majority instituted a provision in the rules package allowing proxy voting using the Chinese coronavirus pandemic as their excuse for not showing up for work in person.

This rule allowed Members of Congress to call or Zoom in their vote to another member who would officially cast a vote for them on the House floor.

The concern for many republicans was former Speaker Pelosi’s multiple extensions of the proxy voting, for all members, even after the pandemic had subsided.

With the nation back open, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) reaffirmed his position on proxy voting Thursday morning, tweeting that lawmakers “have to show up to work” instead of having someone else vote for them.

“No more proxy voting,” the speaker said Thursday morning on Twitter. “Effective immediately, Members of Congress have to show up to work if they want their vote to count.”

McCarthy, who already had a successful week as Speaker, reaffirmed his position on proxy voting, which was set in place after becoming Speaker and the House passing the rules package.

The rules package was adopted 220–213 and did not include a provision for universal proxy voting in the House.

Rep. Ashley Hinson (R-IA) chimed in with support for McCarthy’s decision saying, “Members of Congress who don’t want to show up and vote should look for another line of work.”

She added, “There are too many issues facing the American people for Congress to be phoning it in – I’m glad proxy voting has come to an end!”

Several Twitter users replied with their support for McCarthy’s announcement.


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