
Breaking – The Wisconsin Supreme Court Ends Election Drops Boxes

A big ruling was just announced by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.

On Friday, the court’s conservative majority ruled 4-3 that absentee ballot drop boxes may only be placed in election offices and that no one other than the voter can return a ballot in person.

The ruling is an interesting twist in the election drama, as, in spite of numerous eyewitness testimony and videos showing probable election fraud on election night 2020, this same court has previously rejected efforts by the Trump campaign to overturn the results. The state awarded its electoral delegates to Joe Biden.

The ruling is expected to have significant implications in the 2024 presidential race.

Twitter erupted, as both sides of the election fraud debate made their views on the court’s ruling known.

Conservatives allege that drop boxes facilitate cheating while Democrats typically argue that the boxes are secure.

Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton joined other conservative influencers in expressing their approval of the court’s ruling. Fitton believes it supports President Trump’s claims that election fraud took place in the Badger state in 2020.

“BREAKING: In a historic vindication for Trump, Wisconsin Supreme Court details how use of drop boxes and ballot harvesting in 2020 presidential elections was illegal.”

State law is silent on drop boxes but the court said that the absence of a prohibition in state law does not mean that drop boxes are legal.

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“Nothing in the statutory language detailing the procedures by which absentee ballots may be cast mentions drop boxes or anything like them,” Justice Rebecca Bradley wrote for the majority.

In what sounds more like a far-left political talking point, Justice Ann Walsh Bradley’s dissent implies that preventing the drop boxes is voter suppression.

Concerns about the safety of drop boxes expressed by the majority “is downright dangerous to our democracy”.

“But concerns about drop boxes alone don’t fuel the fires questioning election integrity,” she wrote. “Rather, the kindling is primarily provided by voter suppression efforts and the constant drumbeat of unsubstantiated rhetoric in opinions like this one, not actual voter fraud,” Bradley added.

The ruling is considered a huge victory for the GOP as Republican U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson and Democratic Gov. Tony Evers are seeking reelection in key races with the polls showing both men are involved in very tight contests.

Wisconsin is one of the disputed swing states featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary 2000Mules.

At least 500 drop boxes, which were paid for by Facebook and Meta’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg, were set up in more than 430 communities for the 2020 election, including more than a dozen each in Madison and Milwaukee, the state’s two most heavily Democratic cities.

The ruling stems from a 2021 lawsuit brought by the conservative law firm Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty.

The state Supreme Court in February barred the use of drop boxes outside election clerk offices in the April election for local offices, such as mayor, city council, and school board seats. The court ruled Friday on the question of whether to allow secure ballot boxes in places such as libraries and grocery stores.

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Rick Esenberg, president of the conservative law firm that brought the case, said the ruling “provides substantial clarity on the legal status of absentee ballot drop boxes and ballot harvesting.” He said it also makes clear that state law, not guidance from the Elections Commission, is the final word on how elections are run.

The decision also sets absentee ballot rules for the Aug. 9 primary and the fall election.

Republicans who control the Wisconsin Legislature have also tried to enact laws limiting the use of absentee ballots, but Evers has vetoed them.

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