
New World Order! U.N. Joins World Economic Forum Call To End Fossil Fuels

Over the past 50 years, globalists have been working systematically to move the world from hundreds of sovereign countries focusing on nationalism, to a borderless new world order.

A few of the main players in this movement include the United Nations and The World Economic Forum (WEF) which was established in 1971.

“Our activities are shaped by a unique institutional culture founded on the stakeholder theory, which asserts that an organization is accountable to all parts of society. The institution carefully blends and balances the best of many kinds of organizations, from both the public and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions.”

The Great Reset was scheduled to be the main theme of the WEF’s summit in May 2021 but was posted due to COVID until 2022.

As most of the world has re-opened from COVID returning to a normal way of life, the WEF, World Health Organization, and United Nations are working to establish a treaty for use in the next pandemic.

U.N. chief Antonio Guterres on Wednesday called for an end to oil, gas, and coal use in favor of renewable sources as part of a self-described global climate Marshall Plan.

The original Marshall plan, also known as the European Recovery Program, was a U.S. program providing aid to Western Europe following the devastation of World War II. It was enacted in 1948 and provided more than $15 billion to help finance rebuilding efforts on the continent.

Guterres, an enthusiastic Socialist, spoke ahead of the upcoming World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, which has already issued its own call for net-zero carbon emissions to be driven by a wider embrace of solar and wind power sources without delay.

To avoid catastrophic climate change, humanity must “end fossil fuel pollution and accelerate the renewable energy transition, before we incinerate our only home,” Guterres said in his pre-recorded remarks timed to coincide with the release of a major U.N. state-of-climate report, AFP reports.

Renewable technologies should be treated as freely available “global public goods”, unconstrained by intellectual property, he added.

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The U.N. Secretary-General also called for an end to approximately half-a-trillion dollars in fossil fuel subsidies, roughly two-thirds of which go to consumers and the rest directly to the industry as part of the drive to change consumer habits.

Every minute of every day, coal, oil and gas receive roughly $11 million in subsidies,” Guterres said.

“While people suffer from high prices at the pump, the oil and gas industry is raking in billions from a distorted market,” he added. “This scandal must stop.”

For its part, the WEF has published a 10-point plan provided by the International Energy Agency (IEA) as a way to end oil dependence as part of its self-declared Great Reset.

They are also pushing for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty, a complementary mechanism to the Paris Agreement by directly addressing the fossil fuel industry and putting the just transition at its core.

It is just one further step in addressing what the WEF has already taken to calling an “existential threat to the planet.”

“Practical actions by governments and citizens could achieve significant reductions in oil demand very quickly, according to new analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA).”

1. Reduce speed limits on highways by at least 10km/h

Many countries already use temporary speed limit reductions on highways, mostly to reduce congestion and/or air pollution and to improve road safety.

2. Work from home up to 3 days a week where possible

Around one-third of the jobs in advanced economies can be done from home, opening up the possibility of reducing oil demand while maintaining productivity.

3. Car-free Sundays in cities

Car-free Sundays were introduced in countries such as Switzerland, the Netherlands and West Germany during the 1973 oil crisis. Cities in other countries have used them more recently to promote public health.

4. Reduce public transport prices and incentivize walking and cycling

Investment in public transport and infrastructure to support walking and cycling has been boosted by sustainable economic recovery packages introduced in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

5. Alternate private car access to roads in large cities

Restricting private cars’ use of roads in large cities on alternate weekdays is a measure with a long track record of successful implementation around the world.

6. Increase car sharing and adopt practices to reduce fuel use

Governments can provide additional incentives by designating dedicated traffic lanes and parking spots next to public transport hubs and by reducing road tolls on higher occupancy vehicles. Such measures are in force in suburban areas of cities like Madrid and Houston, among others.

7. Promote efficient driving for freight trucks and goods deliveries

Governments can introduce so-called eco-driving techniques as part of the tuition and examination processes required to receive a driving licence and advanced driving certificates, as has been done in France and other countries.

8. Using trains instead of planes where possible

High-speed rail can substantially replace short-haul air travel on routes that offer affordable, reliable and convenient train journeys.

9. Avoid business air travel where alternative options exist

Although not all business travel by plane can be avoided, in many cases the use of virtual meetings can be an effective substitute. A reduction of around two out of every five flights taken for business purposes is feasible in the short term, based on the changes witnessed during the COVID pandemic.

10. Increase adoption of electric and other more efficient vehicles

By the end of 2021, 8.4 million electric cars were on the roads in advanced economies, building on record sales in Europe in particular. Demand for electric cars continues to be strong, on the back of plummeting costs of batteries in recent years and government support.

Gas prices were already rising before the invasion of Ukraine because of increased demand following the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions. The current surge could add up to $2,000 in annual costs to the average American household.

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By: Eric Thompson, editor of Follow me on Twitter and MagaBook   

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