
Florida Lt Gov Punches Back After Dems Attacked DeSantis

Florida Lt. Gov. Jeanette Nunez clapped back after Democrats attacked Governor Ron DeSantis for flying illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vinyard last week. Nunez responded by blasting Biden and Democrats stating that DeSantis will use whatever tool he needs to because Biden isn’t going to do anything to solve the crisis:

“The governor, obviously the other day just said that very thing that he will be sending additional individuals to other locations. We received $12 million, and he made it very clear that he was going to spend every penny of those $12 million to protect Floridians. Because what we’re seeing is that fentanyl overdoses are the number one killer of individuals ages 18 to 45. Human trafficking is a major concern for our state.

We have had state strike force teams with law enforcement here in our state, and they have interdicted, and they have been able to arrest individuals, 38 charges of human smuggling, and 58 charges of drug trafficking. This is something that should concern every single Floridian, every single American. And the governor is going to use every tool at his disposal to address this crisis because the federal government and Joe Biden refuse to do so.”

One thing I have noticed liberals complaining about is that DeSantis didn’t warn anyone before moving the immigrants to the well-to-do liberal island in Massachusetts. I don’t see the problem because Biden certainly didn’t check in with DeSantis before flying an undetermined amount of illegals into Florida.


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In a speech on Thursday, a defiant DeSantis admitted that sending migrants to Democrat-controlled “sanctuary” cities and states was meant to taunt local leaders and stoke opposition to President Biden’s lax border policies.

“If you have folks who are inclined to think Florida is a good place (to live), our message to them is we are not a sanctuary state, and it’s better to be able to go to a sanctuary jurisdiction,” DeSantis told a crowd of supporters. “And yes, we will help facilitate that transport for you to be able to go to greener pastures.”

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