2024 Election

Illegal Alien African Muslims Pray to Mecca After Crossing Joe Biden’s Open US Border in Lukeville, Arizona

In November, FBI Director Chris Wray warned about possible terror attacks by radical Islamists following the Hamas massacre in Israel.

If Chris Wray were serious about attacks by radical Muslims he would insist we have a secure border.

But he’s obviously not serious. The border is wide open.

Millions of aliens have crossed into the US under Joe Biden. We have no idea who they are, where they came from, what organizations they may be part of.

This is national suicide.

Investigative journalist Jeff Rainforth released his latest report from the open US border in Lukeville, Arizona.

Via Jeff Rainforth.

This is what’s happening in Lukeville, Arizona, on the border every day. Young illegal alien men from Islamic African countries enter by the hundreds every day. I filmed there for seven weeks, camped out in the middle of the inanity. I’ve been filming on borders around the world and in the United States since 2019, and I’ve never seen anything like this. It’s like a Third World country there in Lukeville, Arizona.

Most of the illegal, alien men from Africa come from the countries of Senegal and Guinea. 97% of the people in Senegal are of the Islamic religion. In Guinea, it’s about 86%.

About 50% of the illegal aliens I saw in Lukeville came from Islamic African nations.

At a time when Joe Biden has the entire world on fire and at war because of his ineptitude, now we’re almost at war with the Islamic world after we just attacked terrorists in Yemen. At the same time, Biden has been allowing tens of thousands of young Islamic men to enter the country illegally, and they’re filling up our cities, and who knows how that’s going to end.

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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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