2024 Election

Brawls Erupt Outside Los Angeles Holocaust Museum During Screening Of ‘gruesome’ Film About Hamas Attacks On Israel

Outside the Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, brawls erupted during a screening of a film showing unedited videos of the surprise attacks on Israeli citizens by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 that sparked the Israel-Hamas war.

According to the Los Angeles Times, approximately 50 demonstrators assembled outside the museum dedicated to exposing the atrocities of the Holocaust. The demonstrators protested the showing of the movie titled “Bearing Witness to the October 7th Massacre.”

Approximately 200 people attended the private event that Hollywood actress Gal Gadot reportedly helped organize. Gadot – who previously served in the Israel Defense Forces – was reportedly not in attendance. Gadot’s film producer husband from Israel, Jaron Varsano, was reportedly at the screening.

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The screening was held at the Museum of Tolerance – the “educational arm of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, an internationally renowned Jewish human rights organization.”

“The only museum of its kind in the world, the MOT is dedicated to challenging visitors to understand the Holocaust in both historic and contemporary contexts and confront all forms of prejudice and discrimination in our world today,” according to the Museum of Tolerance website.

There were protesters and counter-protesters outside the screening – shown on the eve of the anniversary of Kristallnacht. Many were waving flags, some using bullhorns, and others were honking car horns.

There was “a sizable security presence,” and noise from the protesters could be heard inside the Museum of Tolerance, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

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The outlet added that the location of the screening had been leaked, which resulted in threats being directed against the Museum of Tolerance. An FBI advance team, a police helicopter, and a “considerable number” of LAPD officers were on site to secure the event.

As Blaze News previously reported, “The Quds News Network, a Palestinian ‘news’ organization with connections to Hamas and Islamic terrorism, posted about the screening on social media, generating more than 50 million views and a ton of reaction.”

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The protest turned violent when pro-Palestinian supporters clashed with those standing with Israel. Video shows fights break out outside the Museum of Tolerance on Wednesday night. Pepper spray was used during the ruckus.

A Los Angeles Times photographer had his glasses broken during the kerfuffle. A man reportedly punched a woman in the face.

KABC-TV reported, “Police formed a skirmish line in efforts to control the crowd.”

One person was arrested during the melee.

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass condemned the violence.

“We cannot allow current worldwide tension to devolve into this unacceptable violence in our city,” Bass wrote on the X social media platform. “This is a time of immense pain and distress for thousands of Angelenos. We must stand together.”

“Bearing Witness to the October 7th Massacre” is a graphic video compilation of atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists against Israeli citizens on Oct. 7. The surprise attack on Israel resulted in 1,400 deaths and roughly 240 people taken hostage by Hamas terrorists.

The Hollywood Reporter described the “Bearing Witness to the October 7th Massacre” screening:

As was forewarned, the footage was gruesome. Among other things, it depicted Israelis being ambushed, shot through windshields and beheaded with shovels, and it included audio of terrorists proudly parading around hostages and calling loved ones back in Gaza to boast about their misdeeds. For some, it was all too much — a number of attendees could be heard weeping, and some left the theater mid-film, unable to watch anymore.

Oscar-winning director Guy Nattiv said of his film, “As a filmmaker, I swore that these images of October 7 would not be forgotten, and the world would see them. Because now the denial begins … we cannot pass by in silence.”

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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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