America First

Biden Proposes Maui Fire Survivors ‘One-Time’ Pittance on Same Day $200 Million Declared for Ukraine

If Republicans are actually serious about overthrowing President Joe Biden in the 2024 general election, perhaps they should spend less time bickering among themselves and spend more time paying attention to the octogenarian-in-chief himself, because he’s doing a bang-up job writing the GOP sales pitch for them.

While some may (rightfully) observe that both Joe and Hunter Biden should be behind bars in the event that these damning bribery allegations turn out to be true, that still holds putting trust into this specific iteration of the Department of Justice.

Worry not though, because Biden just served up another piping hot reason not to vote for him — and this one won’t be contingent on U.S. Attorney David Weiss.

No, this one plainly behooves a working set of eyes and a basic understanding of how time works.

On Monday, Biden announced assistance to the people in Hawaii afflicted by the tragic Maui wildfires, as well as more aid to Ukraine.

One group is getting individual “one-time” payouts of a whopping $700.

Another group is getting $200 million.

In a Monday news release, the Department of Defense announced that it was sending another $200 million in aid to Ukraine.

The money appears to be appropriated strictly for military use, as the release lists out where that money will be going. Here are just a few examples, straight from them:

  • “Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles”
  • “Javelin and other anti-armor systems and rockets”
  • “Over 12 million rounds of small arms ammunition and grenades”

Conversely, Biden took to X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, to announce a different round of aid, this time for the citizens of Hawaii. Of note, the death toll as of this writing sits at 96, per The Associated Press, but it is expected to rise as recovery efforts continue.

After noting that FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) would do what it could for those displaced, he announced further aid that would go directly into the pockets of the Maui survivors:

“We’re laser-focused on getting aid to survivors, including Critical Needs Assistance: a one-time $700 payment per household offering relief during an unimaginably difficult time,” Biden posted to X.

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To preface this, this writer is vehemently opposed to the idea of printing money for any reason (just look at the sorry state of the economy due in no small part to COVID pandemic payouts).

But how in the world can you justify $200 million to non-Americans and a fraction of that to devastated American households?

How can Biden dare mention that “every asset we have will be available” to the survivors of the Maui wildfires when that clearly and brazenly isn’t the case?

Exacerbating matters, Biden didn’t exactly offer much heartfelt sympathy when asked earlier Monday about the Maui wildfires:

“No comment.”

Yes. Instead of being able to offer an iota of sympathy for the tragedy in Hawaii (again, an American state), Biden instead channeled a perpetrator pleading the Fifth.

Which is ironic, because if those aforementioned bribery allegations are true, selling out the American people for a foreign government will take on a whole other (and significantly worse) meaning for the Bidens.


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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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