2024 Election

Mass Exodus: A Quarter of Border Patrol Agents Leave Amid Biden’s Term

In a development that underscores the growing challenges at the U.S. southern border, a recent report reveals that the U.S. Border Patrol has experienced a significant attrition rate, losing 25% of its agents since President Joe Biden took office. This alarming trend raises questions about the administration’s handling of border security and its implications for national security and immigration policy.

The data, as reported by the New York Post and the Washington Examiner, highlights a concerning depletion of the Border Patrol workforce. The loss of a quarter of the agency’s personnel over the past few years is attributed to a combination of factors, including low morale, burnout, and policy changes implemented under the Biden administration.

One of the critical factors driving the exodus of Border Patrol agents is the perceived lack of support from the current administration. According to sources within the agency, many agents feel demoralized by policies that they believe undermine their ability to effectively enforce immigration laws and secure the border. These policies include the rollback of Trump-era measures that were designed to deter illegal crossings and enhance border security.

The New York Post reports that agents have expressed frustration over what they perceive as a lenient approach to immigration enforcement under President Biden. The termination of programs such as the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their claims were processed, and the reduction in the use of Title 42, which allowed for the rapid expulsion of migrants due to public health concerns, have been cited as contributing factors to the surge in illegal crossings and subsequent agent attrition.

Additionally, the Washington Examiner highlights that the increased workload and heightened pressures on the remaining agents have exacerbated the situation. Border Patrol agents are now responsible for managing an unprecedented influx of migrants, with numbers reaching record levels in recent months. This surge has placed immense strain on the resources and personnel of the agency, leading to increased stress and job dissatisfaction among agents.

Just over 4,200 border agents have left the federal agency between October 2020 and April 2024, data show.

Border Patrol agents in rank-and-file and leadership roles across the southern border have told the Washington Examiner on numerous occasions since 2021 that morale was dropping, was at a new low, or gone altogether.

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“Under Biden, things are the worst they have ever been by far,” said one agent who is based in Arizona in a previous interview. “Agents are calling in all the time. You always hear, ‘It doesn’t matter,’ or, ‘What’s the point?’ in reference to doing our job. Agents are afraid of ending up on the news for doing their job or getting in trouble for doing their job. There is no morale.”

But the toll on agents has also been recognized in the rising number of suicides.

CBP, the overseeing agency of the Border Patrol, became the first civilian agency in U.S. history to hire a “suicidologist” in 2021 as the number of employees dying by suicide rose.

The attrition rate is further compounded by challenges in recruitment and retention. The rigorous demands of the job, coupled with the current political climate, have made it difficult for the Border Patrol to attract and retain new talent. The agency’s recruitment efforts have struggled to keep pace with the rate of attrition, resulting in a significant shortfall in staffing levels.

From a conservative standpoint, this reduction in Border Patrol personnel poses a significant threat to national security. The southern border remains a critical entry point for illegal immigration, drug trafficking, and potential terrorist activities. A weakened Border Patrol workforce compromises the country’s ability to effectively monitor and secure the border, increasing the risk of unlawful entries and criminal activities.

Critics argue that the Biden administration’s approach to immigration policy has prioritized humanitarian concerns at the expense of national security. They contend that the administration’s policies have created a permissive environment that encourages illegal crossings and overwhelms the Border Patrol’s capabilities. This, they assert, has led to a situation where the United States is less able to control its borders and enforce its immigration laws.

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Supporters of the administration, however, argue that the policy changes are necessary to address the humanitarian crisis at the border and to create a more compassionate and fair immigration system. They contend that the previous administration’s policies were overly harsh and inhumane, and that a new approach is needed to address the root causes of migration and provide relief to those fleeing violence and persecution.

Despite these differing viewpoints, the attrition rate within the Border Patrol is an issue that demands urgent attention. The significant loss of personnel not only impacts the agency’s operational effectiveness but also poses broader implications for public safety and national security.

The Washington Examiner notes that efforts are underway to address the staffing shortfall and to improve working conditions for Border Patrol agents. These efforts include initiatives to enhance recruitment and retention, provide better support and resources for agents, and address the policy concerns that have contributed to low morale and burnout.

The loss of 25% of Border Patrol agents during President Biden’s tenure highlights a critical challenge facing the administration. As the southern border continues to experience record levels of illegal crossings, the need for a robust and well-supported Border Patrol workforce is more pressing than ever. Addressing the root causes of agent attrition and ensuring the effective enforcement of immigration laws will be essential for safeguarding national security and maintaining the integrity of the U.S. immigration system.


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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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