State Farm Is Now ‘Like a Creepy Neighbor’, Pushing LGBTQ Children’s Books

In today’s America, millions of children have lost the ability to simply learn reading, writing, and arithmetics, play sports, enjoy birthdays, watch cartoons, etc, without being continually targeted by social justice activism.

The days of celebrating the knight in shining armor saving the damsel in distress are fading and are being replaced by propaganda created by the LGBTQ and CRT (anti-racist) entertainment platforms working in conjunction with the public education system.

Once again another major corporation has decided to join Disney, Coke, and Levis in creating far-left programs and marketing materials targeting children.

State Farm, which is popular with blue-collar working Americans that embrace traditional values, could be willing to risk losing some of its customer bases as it weighs its new obligations to maintain a good ESG globalist rating score, currently becoming part of the financial system worldwide. The “S” stands for Social, which is a measurement uses to determine how much of their resources and talents is being sues to advance social justice causes.

The insurance giant which has grown in notoriety behind its clever branding campaign with NFL Star Aaron Rodgers is now being accused of embracing WOKEISM. They are reportedly recruiting agents to push books about gender fluidity on young children, and a new ad campaign by Consumers’ Research slams the insurance giant as “a creepy neighbor” to the spotlight claims an internal whistleblower.

In conjunction with the GenderCool Project, State Farm aims to “help diversify classroom, community center and library bookshelves with a collection of books to help bring clarity and understanding to the national conversation about Being Transgender, Inclusive and Non-Binary,” an employee whistleblower email obtained by Consumers’ Research, dated January 18, 2022, reveals.

State Farm’s E-Mail

On January 18, 2022, State Farm sent an email recruiting its agents for a “unique project”.

Their goal is to put books targeted at children as young as 5-years-old about being transgender and non-binary in local libraries.

“The project’s goal is to increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support out communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children Age 5+,” the email from Jose Soto, State Farm’s Corporate Responsibility Analyst, to all Florida agents reads.

“Consumers’ Research is launching a campaign against State Farm Insurance because recently a whistleblower brought to our attention evidence – email chain traffic – showing that they have been intentionally trying to target kindergartners for discussions around transgender issues, sexual identity issues, without notifying their parents or without their consent, and specifically targeting them in the public schools,” Consumers’ Research executive director Will Hild Fox News Digital.

State Farm is targeting your 5-year-old

As with Disney, State Farm will be lambasted by its customers and the conservative culture for its departure from family values.

My guess is they will not acquiesce to the pressure unless, of course, they start collapsing like Netflix is currently struggling through.

For me and my family, State Farm just joined the permanent woke boycott list and hopefully, a huge number of Americans join us by doing the same.


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By Eric Thompson

Conservative independent talk show host and owner of https://FinishTheRace. USMC Veteran fighting daily to preserve Faith - Family - Country values in the United States of America.

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6 thoughts on “State Farm Is Now ‘Like a Creepy Neighbor’, Pushing LGBTQ Children’s Books”
  1. I’m currently in the process of getting auto and home insurance quotes. I’ve had State Farm in the past. Not getting a quote from them now.

  2. I have a life insurance policy with State Farm. I was kicking the idea around as to whether to cash it in. Looks like they decided that for me. Its a shame; had done business with them since 1084.

  3. You need to proofread your article a little better. In the fourth paragraph, last sentence, you wrote “… determine how much of their resources and talents is sues to advance social justice causes.” It should be “used” not “sues.” Yes?
    In the 9th paragraph, which begins after the email to Jose Soto, you quote what Jose Soto wrote, ““The project’s goal is to increase representation of LGBTQ+ books and support out communities in having challenging, important and empowering conversations with children Age 5+,” the email from Jose Soto, State Farm’s Corporate Responsibility Analyst, to all Florida agents reads.” Jose Soto spelled “our” right; but put “out” instead.
    That’s all the mistakes I’m going to list, if there are any more. TRI TWO BEE MOOR KAIRFULL!!!
    Thank you for this article. I am currently a subscriber to State Farm Insurance. I will be showing this article to my agent.

  4. Well ,, we quit using ALL Coke products , we do NOT buy Levi’s anymore , and we’ll never go to Disney again . Now , we’ll be calling State Farm and CANCELLING our car insurance , homeowners insurance and motorcycle insurance . Since State Farm now wants to jump on the band wagon of the queers , Trans FREAKS , and the rest of the sexual deviants ,,,,,,, We have already found an insurance company with compatible prices , so now it ADOIS to state farm !!!

  5. You probably have seen the commercial with Jake from State Farm. Remember, the wife who’s awakened by her husband talking in low volume, grabs the phone from her husband and asks him, “Who are you talking to?”
    The husband replies, “Jake,…..from State Farm.”
    The wife says on the phone, “What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?”
    Jake replies, “Khakis.”

    Now let’s see how this commercial will run today. I think it will run something like this.
    The wife says on the phone, “What are you wearing, Jake from State Farm?”
    Jake replies, “Umm, nothing.”
    The wife replies back, “What are you watching, Jake from State Farm?”
    Jake, always being the honest one, replies, “Kiddie porn.”

  6. I just talked to my State Farm Insurance agent and he told me that after a cry of foul by agents and customers, State Farm has backed off their pursuit of this project As I told him after being a customer for over 50 years that I was ready to change companies had they not. I guess they got “WOKE” in a different way.

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