The power and influence Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives has over the other members is unacceptable.
She installed fines for members not wearing masks in the chamber, allows proxy voting so members could vote from their couch instead of going to DC, pushed through two bogus impeachments against former President Trump, and booted GOP members, she did not like, from the January 6th committee (witch hunt).
Pelosi has a history of making ridiculous, incoherent, and factually untrue statements. In the new Congress, she has been increasingly pushing far-left legislation trying to appease the AOC social justice squad.
In another sign of Pelosi’s disconnect from the reality that the US economy and Biden’s foreign policies are falling apart, Nancy is making it easier for lawmakers to access liquor at the US Capitol and loopholes so they don’t have to pay for them.
Now Nancy and her Marxist elitists don’t have far to go to get their adult beverages.
Members of the House of Representatives may now order beer, wine, and spirits and have them delivered directly to their offices, a new development that could help further lead to discombobulated late-night budget “solutions”.
The perk is courtesy of Capitol Hill’s new caterer, hospitality services giant Sodexo, and was first reported by Fox News Channel’s Chad Pergram.
“Wine and beer was often available at catered receptions on Capitol Hill,” tweeted Pergram, known to Fox News viewers for his encyclopedic knowledge of Congress. “But now booze can go directly to a Member’s office.”
1) The filibuster is fine. But liquor is quicker.
Fox has learned that lawmakers and aides can now order beer, wine and hard liquor directly to their offices.
This is through the new caterer on the House side of Capitol Hill, Sodexo.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 13, 2022
2) Wine and beer was often available at catered receptions on Capitol Hill. But now booze can go directly to a Member’s office.
And, they can order in bulk.
Fox is told that this can be paid with private money or a campaign funds.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 13, 2022
A “Drinks on Demand” page on Sodexo’s House of Representatives site offers “bulk orders” for drinks “by the case.” Spirits brands such as Tito’s vodka, Jack Daniels whiskey, Johnnie Walker scotch, and more are available for up to $35 per bottle. Beer, which can only be purchased by the case, up to $50.
Pelosi is opening a liquor store in the House where Members can buy alcohol with their taxpayer-funded MRAs.
All while Americans are struggling to pay for food? Outrageous.
— Rep. Austin Scott (@AustinScottGA08) May 13, 2022
Various brands of wine, in each category of Cabernet, Chardonnay, Malbec, Merlot, Rose, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Noir, Pinot Grigio, and Riesling for lawmakers out of touch with their beer-and-a-shot, working-class constituents. Fortunately for the taxpayer, the most expensive wine on the menu is just $25 a bottle.
“Pelosi is opening a liquor store in the House where Members can buy alcohol with their taxpayer-funded MRAs,” tweeted Georgia Republican Rep. Austin Scott.
Many on Twitter wanted to know who will be paying for Nancy’s habit spreading to all the members.
“Will there be some sort of tracker for the total amount purchased by each office?” asked one Twitter user. “At least for those who pay with campaign money?”
House rules clearly state that, while members and their staff “may be reimbursed for food and non-alcoholic beverage expenses incurred while participating in virtual legislative planning sessions,”
“Members and employees may not be reimbursed for the cost of alcoholic beverages,” it states, but per Nancy, lawmakers may use campaign funds for their late-night libations.
By: Eric Thompson, editor of Follow me on Twitter and MagaBook
A career in politics is a great gig. Six figure salary, staff to do your work, it is reported House members get Peloton exercise bikes, an in-house gym, an expense account, opportunities for junkets (so-called investigation travel), plenty of receptions with free food and drink, etc.
What she is doing is going to cause real problems for some, like Pelosi because she has an alcohol problem.
She needs the alcohol as a preservative!
Alcohol is a preservative!
Eric Thompson: If I could give you money to help in your efforts I would gladly give you a million dollars. However, I have health issues and will be moving shortly into HUD housing. The situation in our country is very sad. However, I still believe God has a plan and that plan will be for our good.
Who’s paying for the drinks? We the people. I’ll bet its top shelf shit their sucking down. Make sure they get the bill!!!!!!
Nothing about the dried-up old sot surprises me anymore.
Nancy Pelosi at one time was the Mob’s queen but now from her looks she is representing the dead who have been issued a pair of cement shoes. This woman is such a lush she cannot have a single moment where can be found 100% sober. Perhaps she is starting to awaken that her actions are finally catching up to her and Congress will cheer when she finally leaves either upright or feet first.
Booze should not be allowed in any government building much less the Capital of the United States, the U.S. House of Representatives or the U.S. Senate. I am sure that the SCOTUS has rules against it. I know when I worked for the government if you came in with alochol on your breath you would have been fired on the spot.
Why do Members of the House, the Senate, POTUS, or members of the SCOTUS need to have booze during a work day anyway? Does it pickle them so they last longer?
Pelosi is a vile crazy despot who cares not one wit about ordinary Americans. Her only interests are power and money. She lies, she’s corrupt and she’s a clear and present danger to America, Americans, liberty and freedom.
C’mon man! When you cannot get your Ice Cream, you need an acceptable substitute.
While I was in the AF the consumption of alcoholic beverages wasn’t allowed while on duty or within 12 hours of flying for flight crews.
So why not have the House and Senate add to their rules that members can’t drink while at work? Also have their offices restricted as to the amount of alcoholic containers allowed only to be used for guests during duty time. Apply the rules to ALL government offices and staffers. Have a central office that maintains, dispenses, charges, and records alcoholic drinks to members.
Or is it too much to expect sober legislators and staff at work?
Do you think they can order fentanyl? Just wondering.
This is a total disgrace that we have this going on where the laws of our land are being made and broken. The White House needs a cleaning. We need JESUS IN THE HEARTS OF THE PEOPLE.
Where can I get a job that I can drink on the clock? This should be prohibited.
Unbelievable……..drinking on the job. Driving while under the influence. If I drank…I would not last one day on my job.
So whats the difference here with Comrade Pelotski…making laws that affect the public for years to come and she is doing it drunk. GIVE ME A TEXAS BREAK FOR CHRIST SAKE….!!!
Where are those illustrious Capital Police. Why are they not doing their job..!
What a waste of We The People’s time and money.
Pelosi already drinks way too much, and we don’t want to be paying for it. She thinks she is getting away with something.