2024 Election

Pennsylvania School District Orders Bus Drivers to remove Christmas Decorations

On Friday, bus drivers with the Wallingford-Swarthmore School District in Delaware County, Pennsylvania were informed that they had to remove any Christmas-themed decorations on their buses and were prohibited from wearing clothing referring to any religious holiday. 

A memo sent to all Drivers and Aides that was obtained by Fox 29 stated that the district “has been receiving complaints from parents concerning District employees displaying ‘Christmas’ themed decorations and/or wearing clothing of the same nature.”

“If you have decorated your bus with anything specific to the Christmas holiday or any other decorations relating to a specific religion, please remove them immediately,” it continued. “In addition, employees are instructed not to wear clothing related to Christmas or any other religious holiday.” 

The memo notes at the end that the policy is not specific to one department, but that “it applies to all District employees.” 

After the memo was posted to social media, users slammed the district for its policy. Parents rights advocate Meg Brock asked, “Did they also tell them not to Smile?” 


One user pointed out that “No one complains about their Hate has no home here signs or BLM signs, or pride flags. God forbid bus drivers decorate their buses with Christmas decorations.” 

In a follow-up statement to the outlet, the District said that holiday displays are not banned, but that employees should create an “inclusive environment.” 

This also comes as California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) canceled an annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony in Sacramento due to an anti-Israel protest that was scheduled to take place. The event took place but was only available to watch via live stream.

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“As we continue to see protests across the country impacting the safety of events of all scales – and for the safety and security of all participating members and guests including children and families – the ceremony this year will be virtual,” a spokesperson from the governor’s office said at the time.

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