
Karine Jean-Pierre Faces Backlash For Claiming Border Is Not Open

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insisted the border was not “open” and that anyone suggesting otherwise was doing the work of human smugglers in another ridiculed press conference Monday.

The comment from the latest lying, Democratic operative to hold the position. took place during questioning about the expiration of Title 42, a public health rule in place since March 2020 that has been used to stem the growing border crisis by turning away migrants.

Even though border towns have expressed concerns over daily arrivals potentially doubling from the impact, the White House has yet to reveal its plans on how they are preparing for the expected 9,000 to 15,000 new arrivals per day.

Jean-Pierre argued that these reports and the potential end of Title 42 don’t suggest the border is open and attacked anyone who claims that to be “spreading misinformation.”

“I want to be very clear here. The fact is that the removal of Title 42 does not mean the border is open,” Jean-Pierre said. “Anyone who suggests otherwise is simply doing the work of these smugglers who, again, are spreading misinformation which is very dangerous.”

She also said, “It would be wrong to think the border is open. It is not open.”

These claims incurred the wrath of Twitter as users claimed the press secretary was “gaslighting” the country by refusing to recognize the historic numbers of border crossings under the Biden administration.

“KJP continues an epic run as [White House press secretary]…” The Hill columnist Joe Concha tweeted.

National Review contributor Pradheep J. Shanker tweeted, “This is gaslighting. The border is more open today [than] it has been in the last decade. Don’t believe me? See Biden’s own DHS stats that confirm this.”

Radio host Buck Sexton wrote, “The only people who think the southern border isn’t ‘open’ are White House officials and regime media propagandists.”

Sexton also chimed in with, “The Biden administration has been giving aid and comfort to the cartels’ massive human smuggling operations from day 1.”

“A bold-faced lie,” Texas Rep. Dan Crenshaw proclaimed, sharing photos of hundreds of illegal migrants crossing the border at night.

I agree with Substack writer John Hawkins who added, “There’s an easy solution to the enormous numbers of illegals making asylum claims to game our broken immigration laws. Stop giving anyone asylum. It’s not as if it’s benefitting us in any way.”

The easiest way to stop the invasion is to simply remove Asylum from US immigration law.

See also  Documentary on General Mike Flynn to Expose Deep-State Plot to Crush Trump

If illegal aliens will not have a way of staying once in the US, they will not make the journey in the first place.

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