Black Lives Matter (BLM) Demands ‘Reparations NOW’

The domestic terrorist organization Black Lives Matter (BLM), is calling for reparations and urging American businesses to lend their support.

“This year, on the first anniversary of Juneteenth’s designation as a federal holiday, it is imperative that our economy, government, and society demonstrate a true commitment to Black emancipation. We want, deserve, and are owed reparations,” the Black Lives Matter Global Network declared in a Medium post.

After ripping off supporters of millions of dollars in donations, BLM is now suggesting that “corporations can and must pave the way for reparations in this country.”

“Today, we call upon the same companies who rapidly rallied behind the Black Lives Matter movement in 2020: Step into the fullness of your financial positioning and power. Act on your claims to value Black life via holistic reparations for Black communities and push for reparations,” BLM declared.

Last year, President Joe Biden signed legislation to make Juneteenth, which falls on June 19, a federal holiday.

“While we are not opposed to Juneteenth recognition, we ARE opposed to corporate America using Black pain, Black joy, Black victories, and Black history as an opportunity to expand their pockets without investing back into OUR communities. Stop exploiting our holiday,” BLM wrote.

BLM said that reparations are required because of slavery, but that slavery is not the sole issue.

“We demand that American corporations reckon with how they may have profited from slavery and take concrete steps that go beyond mere feel-good public relations efforts,” BLM noted.

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“American companies should announce their public support for reparations immediately. We know that many corporations have benefited from the legacy and continued oppression of Black people, and therefore they must do their part in making true reparations,” they added

“We demand reparations for African descended people in the United States and beyond. While we prioritize the demand for reparations for slavery, we do not limit our demand for reparations to slavery.”

“We believe demanding reparations only for slavery erases the reality that the United States has continued to exploit and harm Black people through convict leasing, sharecropping, Jim Crow, redlining, and other policies of structural discrimination and exclusion, and mass criminalization and incarceration through policies such as the ‘war on drugs,'” BLM wrote.

Just go away BLM, your mothers have your beds in the basement made for you, again.


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By Eric Thompson

Conservative independent talk show host and owner of https://FinishTheRace. USMC Veteran fighting daily to preserve Faith - Family - Country values in the United States of America.

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27 thoughts on “Black Lives Matter (BLM) Demands ‘Reparations NOW’”
  1. They already got it from those that support them and those who have plenty of guilty money.
    They need to look to the leaders of BLM.

  2. Children whining is all I see with the many successful blacks I know who worked to improve themselves with both education and no fear of that little four letter word….work.

  3. Simple question. How many dollars did the corporations and donors give to blm only to have their leadership purchase million dollar houses and salaries for their so called leaders? Very little if any of those donations have made it to the black neighborhoods.

  4. What’s with BLM? Do they need another million dollar house or did Course run out of Daddy Money? They stashed a lot of money and bought another million dollar property in Toronto, Canada.Trudeau thinks they are just great but he is a Marxist so it’s understandable.When are Americans going to wise up to this SCAM ?

  5. Reparations are not due. Most black people are not for reparations as no one today participated in slavery as it was outlawed over 150 years ago. This is demands for something free but unearned from those who need to move along. BLM is not behaving as a deserving entity.

  6. Sorry, I don’t have any money to make reparations to black people. Their idols in the demoncrap party have taken any money I had. I heard that my great grandfather’s family held slaves in Georgia. But since I have been taxed by the fedgov since I was old enough to work to support fedgov programs that destroyed the black family, I feel I have made enough donations (taxes) to support a lot of black people.
    All these BLM types want is for us to support their efforts to destroy our country. A quick view of videos show that about half of BLM rioters are white. Am I supposed to pay reparations to them also? Maybe if these white people just paid their black companions the rest of America could get on with their lives.

  7. They already received the money that BLM was forcing companies to give them, which against the law. They have millions of dollars that stole from the American people and wasting it on BLM leadership for them to buy million(s) homes, cars, etc. Too bad, BLM won’t give the money to where it was supposed to go in the first place.

  8. It’s time to open season on these damned fools !!!! There is no place in OUR Country for these AFRICAN RETARDS !!! There should be a bounty put on every dam one of their heads and we should be collecting NOW !!!!

  9. No absolutely not .I am so tired of these lazy non productive people wanting every thing for free. Go get a real job there are businesses looking for workers. Get off your lazy ass & work we do not owe you a dime .

  10. Tough get a job and make yourselves useful to society..Nobody owes you crap never had and never will.You are nothing but a bunch of terrorists who if they can’t have their way throw a hissy fit..Nobody cares about you or what you retards stand for..Get a freaking life will you!! Come to Michigan and pull that garbage you won’t live to see the sun rise the next day..

  11. The Democratic Party of today argues that all African Americans, (only SOME of whom are descended from slaves) all deserve reparations. (Their ancestors being slaves is something we cannot whitewash or forget). This idea has obvious problems, with some of the most salient, being that:
    1. No one alive today in this country has ever been a slave and no one alive in this country has ever owned slaves.
    2. This whole proposition is immoral for many reasons. But in calculating anything like a claim for recompense there should be some form of calculation of the damages and harm done by the “guilty” parties, not to harm those whose ancestors were innocent.
    3. Slavery has existed in every civilization throughout history. The only question, therefore, isn’t who had slavery, but who was willing to fight and die to abolish it?
    4. Democrats want to steal money from people whose own ancestors fought, bled, suffered, and died to end slavery! 645,000 white men suffered and died and paid “reparations” with their blood to free the slaves.
    5. There was one life lost in the Civil War for every 6 Slaves that were freed!
    6. Many Civil War Veterans were maimed for life, by the loss of arms, legs, or vision.
    7. Many Free-Blacks in the South OWNED Slaves too.
    8. Many Blacks fought for either the North or the South during the Civil War.
    9. Many Whites and people of other races were immigrants who came to the USA, AFTER the Civil War and they produced millions of children! How are they to be held responsible?
    10. There are some TWO Million African Blacks who got off the boat, AFTER the Civil War until today, and they produced many millions of children! How are they owed Slavery reparations?
    11. Yet, Southern Democrats whose own ancestors OWNED slaves would pay an equal “share”!
    12. Many Blacks are Mixed Race, some going back several generations, what kind of financial gymnastics is that called for? There would need to be Nazi like ‘inquiries’ into the claimant’s racial background, to determine share. Or would fake “Blacks” like Rachel Dolezal collect?
    13. A Black man was named Anthony Johnson was the very FIRST owner of Black slaves, in the USA, he came here to make more money raising tobacco by the use of slavery, because slavery was the most lucrative business (and it still is in Africa and the Middle East, they are STILL selling their people into slavery.) He had four white and one black indentured servant. The black indentured servant John Casor demanded that Johnson release him after his allotted seven years of indenture. The court ruled in Johnsons favor and made Casor a slave for LIFE. (It’s not clear if Anthony Johnson also kept his white indentured servants as slaves for Life)
    14. (The very first slaves in the US that were Irish children, shipped here by the British, they arrived four months before the first black slaves arrived… Irish adults came later… most of them died before they made much of an impact on US history and are mainly forgotten. Search term:
    15. Muslim slave traders in Africa and Arabia sold MORE whites into slavery by raiding Europe than they did from raiding the black African people.
    16. Democrats claim that “DACA” kids should not have to pay for their parents’ crimes. However, ALL White people are still responsible for the actions of pre-Mid-19th Century Slave Owners?
    17. Kamala Harris, when asked about her family’s history of owning slaves, says “That was in the past and has nothing to do with me” This throws cold water on the whole argument!
    18. Can you say: “Equal application of the law”?

    Southern Democrats first and foremost, then all other Democrats… INCLUDING BLACK Democrats, because Free-Blacks in the South OWNED Slaves too!

    So, the Black Dems get to “Pay” themselves… after the usual obligatory Governmental “Slight Charge for Shipping and Handling”!

    Bottom line: don’t let the Democrats change America for the worse. Remember November!

  12. BLM by all definitions and actions is a domestic terrorist organization lead by criminals do do harm to people, to destroy buildings and property, to threaten further violence if their demands are not met, and Democratic Party used for political purposes.

  13. There should NEVER be reparations paid. Especially through BLM. Instead give them the bills for rebuilding and restoring the cities, neighborhoods, neighborhoods, businesses and lives they destroyed in their riots of 2020! It’s only a few billion dollars. I’m sure if they all pitch in they can pay US reparations (plus interest) for all the damage done!

  14. There is not one person that was alive back when there was Slaves !
    No one now deserves to get any kind of reparations !
    This is just a SCAM to get money for doing NOTHING !
    BLM can go to HELL !

  15. There are few black Americans left who may have suffered under slavery. Also blacks in America almost exclusively have benefitted from all of the free government programs and from grants for higher education refused to white Americans. From what I can see, it is white Americans who are working law abiding citizens who deserve reparation.

  16. We need reparations from those losers for all of the damage they’ve done to Portland and Seattle as well as being an unsettling menace anytime they are called on by Soros or Bloomberg etc!!

  17. HEY BLM : Demand in one hand and schitt in the other and see which gets full first !!!! F**K BLM !!!!

  18. All I can say is, this terrorist organization of BLM is in no position to demand ANYTHING!

  19. If our government ever submits to these insane demands it will end any chance of ever bringing this country together. Every city and state run by leftists is literally falling apart. Black and brown crime in America has always been a big problem but now it has gotten completely out of hand. When cities like New York have black’s and Hispanics committing 97% of all violent crime it’s clear where the problem lies. If you want to live in an American city and state where you can’t go outside and take a walk without risking your life then vote for a Democrat.

  20. What more crap from BURN-LOOT-MURDER ? Ok we will pay reparations on the condition that ALL black people who receive this money must leave the USA forever. Doing stuff like this will make blacks the 2nd rate losers – which is what they really want.

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