2024 Election

Trump’s Georgia Election Trial Will Be Televised And Live Streamed

Former President Donald Trump’s Georgia election interference trial will be televised and live-streamed, the judge handling the case said Thursday. 

The legal proceedings will be broadcast on a YouTube stream operated by the court for television, radio, and still photography will be allowed, Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee said Thursday during a hearing on the level of media coverage that will be permitted inside the courtroom.

The live stream will be operated by the court, Judge Scott McAfee said.

“In line with the spirit of transparency here, we have followed Judge [Robert] McBurney’s model, and we have been livestreaming all of our major proceedings on a Fulton County-provided YouTube channel,” McAfee said.

Trump’s Georgia trial is the only one slated to be televised in full thus far.

“And our plan was to do that with this case as well. So there’s going to be a YouTube feed the entire time.”

A trial date has not yet been decided by the judge.

Trump, 77, pleaded not guilty on Thursday to 13 felony counts related to his alleged attemptsto overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results, choosing not to appear in person along with his 18 co-defendants for a scheduled Sept. 6 arraignment, which will also be televised.

Trump’s Georgia trial will designate the first time cameras will be present to record the entire proceedings of one of the four criminal indictments handed to the former president.

Photographers were briefly allowed inside the Manhattan courtroom where Trump was arraigned in April on charges related to alleged hush money payments made to porn star Stormy Daniels. 

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Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis previously asked for a March 4, 2024, trial start date before reworking her suggested trial date to Oct. 23, 2023, last week, after co-defendants and former Trump campaign lawyers Sidney Powell and  Kenneth Chesebro requested a speedy trial.

Trump’s legal team asked the court on Thursday to detach his case from the two campaign lawyers.

The 77-year-old’s legal team moved on Thursday for separate proceedings after Trump pleaded not guilty to all 13 counts against him. Former campaign lawyers Kenneth Chesebro and Sidney Powell have already asked for their trials to get underway Oct. 23, citing the Peach State’s right to a rapid proceeding.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis responded to Chesebro and Powell’s request by asking to try all 19 defendants at that time.

Attorney Steven Sadow argued an October trial would intrude with his scheduled arguments in a late-September Medicare fraud trial in Florida federal court.

The lawyer also said under two months was not enough time to equip a legal defense against the 98-page, 41-count indictment handed up Aug. 14 by a grand jury convened by Willis.

If a speedy trial is granted, Sadow added, rules requiring prosecutors to share certain evidence with the defendants at least 10 days before the trial date would be waived, as would a requirement that the accused be informed at least a week before the proceedings are scheduled to start.

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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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