2024 Election

Silicon Valley Investors Back Trump: ‘Impossible to Support Biden’

In a significant turn of events, a growing faction of Silicon Valley investors has begun rallying behind former President Donald Trump, citing an array of grievances with President Joe Biden’s policies.

The shift marks a notable departure from the tech sector’s traditionally liberal leanings, highlighting a profound dissatisfaction with the current administration’s economic strategies and regulatory approaches.

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This burgeoning support for Trump among the tech elite was underscored in recent statements by prominent investors who argue that Biden’s policies are stifling innovation and economic growth.

Silicon Valley venture capitalists are turning against President Joe Biden.

Other prominent big tech moguls including David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya, Marc Andreessen, and Shaun Maguire have tired of Biden’s proposals, including a 25 percent “billionaire tax” and antitrust crackdowns enacted by the Democrat majority at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

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Sacks and his contemporaries have highlighted several key areas of concern. Foremost among these is the Biden administration’s approach to regulation. Investors argue that the heightened regulatory scrutiny has created an unpredictable business environment, hampering the agility and risk-taking that are the hallmarks of Silicon Valley’s success. They contend that Trump’s deregulation efforts provided a more conducive environment for technological innovation and business expansion.

David Sacks, a prominent tech investor, is due to co-host a fundraiser for former President Donald Trump.

Moreover, economic policies under Biden have come under fire. Critics from the tech investment community argue that the administration’s tax policies, particularly proposals to increase corporate taxes, are detrimental to growth. They point out that higher taxes reduce the capital available for startups and innovation, which are crucial to maintaining America’s leadership in technology.

Chamath Palihapitiya, founder of Social Capital and an early executive at Facebook, also plans to support Trump.

“It’s impossible to support Biden,” Keith Rabois, an early leader at PayPal, who also played key roles at LinkedIn, Square, and Slide, said. Rabois did clarify that while he is not a fan of Trump, he would be working to elect a Republican House and Senate.

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Keith Rabois, a partner at the venture capital firm Founders Fund, also voiced his support for Trump. Rabois emphasized that the choice between Trump and Biden is a pragmatic one for many in Silicon Valley.

He remarked, “Biden’s economic policies are misguided and detrimental to the entrepreneurial spirit that drives Silicon Valley. Trump, despite his flaws, understands the importance of a business-friendly environment.”

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This sentiment is not isolated. A broader spectrum of tech investors shares the view that Biden’s policies are not aligned with the entrepreneurial ethos of Silicon Valley. They argue that Trump’s tenure saw a booming economy, driven in part by his tax cuts and deregulation. While acknowledging the controversies that surrounded his presidency, these investors believe that Trump’s policies better foster an environment conducive to growth and innovation.

Shaun Maguire of Sequoia Capital has also been critical of Biden.

The dissatisfaction with Biden extends beyond economic policies. Investors have also expressed concerns about the administration’s handling of international trade, particularly with China. The tech industry relies heavily on global supply chains, and Biden’s trade policies have been criticized for creating uncertainty and potential disruptions. Trump’s more confrontational stance on China, while controversial, is seen by some investors as a necessary strategy to protect American technological interests.

Marc Andreessen of Andreessen Horowitz said that a Trump presidency would be more business-friendly.

Peter Thiel, co-founder of PayPal and a notable Trump supporter, has been particularly vocal about this issue. Thiel has long warned about the competitive threat posed by China and believes that Trump’s hardline approach is essential for safeguarding America’s technological edge. Thiel’s influence in Silicon Valley is significant, and his endorsement of Trump is seen as a barometer of the shifting political winds among tech investors.

Tech execs have been unhappy with Biden’s pick to head the Securities and Exchange Commission, Gary Gensler.

Despite the growing support for Trump, the tech community remains divided. Many within Silicon Valley continue to support Biden, emphasizing the administration’s commitment to social justice, climate change, and other progressive issues. However, the increasing alignment with Trump suggests a pragmatic pivot among those prioritizing economic and regulatory concerns.

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The implications of this shift are profound. Silicon Valley has long been a stronghold of Democratic support, and a significant realignment could reshape the political landscape. The support from high-profile investors not only boosts Trump’s campaign but also signals to other business leaders that backing Trump is a viable and potentially advantageous stance.

As the 2024 presidential race heats up, the battle for Silicon Valley’s support will be fierce. Both candidates will likely intensify their efforts to woo the influential tech sector, recognizing the critical role it plays in the economy and its potential to sway public opinion.

The increasing support for Trump among Silicon Valley investors underscores a critical debate about the future of American innovation and economic policy. With the tech industry’s unparalleled influence, the stance of its leaders will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the political and economic direction of the country in the years to come.

In this evolving narrative, it is clear that the intersection of politics and technology will be a defining feature of the 2024 election. The decisions made by Silicon Valley’s elite will reverberate far beyond the confines of the tech industry, impacting the broader contours of American society and governance.


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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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