2024 Election

Shark Tank’s Mr. Wonderful Boycotts The Big Apple Over Trump Ruling

“Mr. Wonderful” is on a media tour that’s going to make New York as miserable as liberals want to make Donald Trump.

In the wake of Friday’s appalling order by a New York state judge fining Trump $350 million for an imaginary crime without even imaginary victims, software entrepreneur and investor Kevin O’Leary, known to most Americans for his starring role on the “Shark Tank” reality show, took to the airwaves with a warning about what the ruling means for the Empire State.

And it doesn’t mean anything good.

In interviews with CNN, “Fox & Friends Weekend” and Fox Business Network, O’Leary touted the same message: Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron’s ruling in the Trump case is going to do serious damage to New York’s business future.

Trump was convicted in a civil case brought by New York’s ambitious, Democratic Attorney General Letitia James of allegedly defrauding the value of his properties while using them as securities for business loans. The loans were repaid. There were no complaints from Trump’s bankers. There were no victims.

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There was only a progressive New York Democratic Party and self-evidently corrupt legal system out to bury a man for political reasons that have nothing to do with the rule of law.

“Even the governor herself is concerned about what this looks like to investors all around the world,” O’Leary told CNN’s Laura Coates on Monday. “It’s not just U.S. domestic. All around the world, people are talking about what happened here.

“Do you really think people want to invest money in New York after this?”

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Check it out here. Coates, as can be expected from a personality on the leftist network, clearly didn’t want to hear it.

He made the same point over the weekend on Fox.

“Forget about the Trump factor,” he told “Fox & Friends Weekend,” according to Fox News.

“It’s not about that. What does this say to everybody that wants to do work in New York and wants to risk capital? … It’s an atrocity. It’s an embarrassment, but it’s an assault on real estate.”

In an interview Monday with Fox Business Network’s Neil Cavuto on “Cavuto: Coast to Coast,” O’Leary was even more brutal.

He’s done with the idea of investing in New York — and he thinks financiers around the world agree with him.

“New York was already a loser state, like California is a loser state,” he told Cavuto in a scathing summary.

“There are many loser states because of policy, high taxes, uncompetitive regulations.

“It was already at the top of being a loser state. I would never invest in New York now. And I’m not the only person saying that.”

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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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