2024 Election

Russian Analyst Claims That Yevgeny Is Still Alive And Plotting His Revenge On Vladimir Putin After Body Double Was Killed In Plane Assassination Plot

Russian political analyst recently claimed that Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin is still alive and plotting his revenge against Vladimir Putin, RadarOnline has learned.

In a surprising development to come less than one week after the 62-year-old mercenary chief supposedly died in a plane crash outside Moscow, Dr. Valery Solovey claimed that Prigozhin is “alive, well, and free” in an undisclosed country.

Vladimir Putin has denied having any involvement in Prigozhin’s mysterious death.

According to Solovey, Prigozhin evaded Putin’s alleged assassination attempt by placing a body double on the private jet that mysteriously crashed on its way to St. Petersburg on August 23.

Prigozhin was reported dead on August 23 when his private jet crashed outside Moscow.

A DNA test conducted by Russian investigators confirmed the Wagner boss was on board

Even more astonishing was the Russian analyst’s claim that Putin had knowledge Prigozhin was not on the flight that rolled out of the sky last week and crashed in a remote part of the Tver region.

“Prigozhin himself was not on board. His double was flying instead of him,” Solovey said on Tuesday, according to Daily Mail. “By the way, Vladimir Putin is perfectly aware of that.”

“If you believe official statements of the Russian authorities, then what can I say?” the Russian analyst added.

Although Solovey refused to disclose where Prigozhin is allegedly hiding out following last week’s plane crash, the Russian analyst claimed that the Wagner warlord is plotting his revenge against the Russian leader

“He intends to take revenge for having been faced with such a choice,” Solovey said. “He intends to take revenge on people who were intending to destroy him, and destroyed people close to him.”

“That is more than enough for revenge,” he continued. “As for ambition, energy, and courage, he has plenty of that.”

As RadarOnline previously reported, Prigozhin and nine of his Wagner associates were first suspected dead on August 23 after their private jet crashed during a flight from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

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Russian investigators confirmed the Wagner chief’s death over the weekend after conducting a DNA test on Prigozhin’s retrieved body.

“Molecular-genetic testing has been completed,” the Russian investigators said. “According to its results, the identities of all ten deceased have been established, and they correspond to the list published in the flight manifest.”

Putin expressed his “condolences” to the families of the deceased and thanked Prigozhin for his “significant contribution” to Russia’s war against Ukraine.

“I want to express sincere condolences to the families of all those who died,” Putin said hours after the plane crash. “I want to note that those people made a significant contribution to our common cause of fighting the Nazi regime in Ukraine.”

A funeral for Prigozhin is expected to be held this week, although a spokesperson for Putin announced that the Russian leader would not be attending the service.

“The presence of the president is not provided,” Putin’s spokesperson said. “We don’t have any specific information on funerals. Still, the decision on this matter is made by relatives and friends.”

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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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