2024 Election

Republicans Slam Hillary Clinton’s Wish for ‘Formal Deprogramming’ of Trump Supporters

Republicans tore into two-time failed Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for her desire to formally deprogram Americans who support former President Donald Trump.

“There needs to be a formal deprogramming of the cult members,” Hillary Clinton told CNN Thursday. “So many of those extremists, those MAGA extremists, take their marching orders from Donald Trump, who has no credibility left by any measure.”

Hillary Clinton, who denied losing the 2016 election, also said Trump will likely be the 2024 Republican nominee, which will necessitate defeating “those who are the election deniers, as we did in 2020.”

Hillary Clinton’s comments immediately exploded on X. Conservatives compared her comment of “deprogramming” Trump supports to her 2016 “basket of deplorables” comment. Like the “deprogramming” quip, the “deplorables” comment also quickly ignited outrage from Republicans.

“As she gets increasingly bitter about her 2016 defeat — even when you think there’s no way she can — Hillary Clinton is more and more the liberal id: she just spews what liberals really think and feel but know not to say,” journalist Glenn Greenwald posted on X. “That’s where ‘Basket of Deplorables’™ came from.”

Brian Stelter, a former CNN anchor and now Harvard professor, appeared to take Hillary Clinton’s “deprogramming” comment to heart. He questioned on X “What would ‘formal deprogramming’ look like?”

“Stalin had a word for that: gulags,” talk show host Todd Starnes posted on X.

“CAMP?” conservative X account AMUSE questioned. “The FBI is already targeting Trump supporters ahead of the election, imagine if we lose in 2024? The hypothetical reeducation camps may become very real. Designating Trump supporters as a terror group allows for mass gun confiscation.”

As Hillary’s comment spread on the internet, conservatives continued to rip the two-time failed presidential candidate:

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@DonaldTrumpJr on (X):

This woman is truly sick. The problem is what she’s saying is in line with the vast majority of Democrat party leaders today. When we call them, Marxists everyone must understand that that is not hyperbole and hasn’t been for quite some time

@PastorDScott on (X):
We will attend formal deprogramming sessions once your husband completes his formal Sex Addiction rehab sessions and you complete your formal “Liars Anonymous”sessions…
@toddstarnes on (X)
Hillary calls for “formal deprogramming” of Trump supporters. I believe Stalin had a word for that: gulags.

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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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