NBC News claimed that Trump is “sparking fears among those who understand the inner workings of the Pentagon that he would convert the nonpartisan U.S. military into the muscular arm of his political agenda as he makes comments about dictatorship and devalues the checks and balances that underpin the nation’s two-century-old democracy.”
The outlet theorized that if Trump is elected president in November, he could weaponize the military to intervene in elections or quash domestic protests.
However, there is reportedly a syndicate that has a mission of limiting Trump’s power if he becomes president.
The mainstream media outlet alleged, “A circle of appointees independent of Trump’s political operation steered him away from ideas that would have pushed the limits of presidential power in his last term, according to books they’ve written and testimony given to Congress.”

The report alleged that this go-around, Trump would surround himself with “loyalists” who are in unwavering support of the former president.
NBC News alleged, “Trump has raised fresh questions about his intentions if he regains power by putting forward a legal theory that a president would be free to do nearly anything with impunity — including assassinate political rivals — so long as Congress can’t muster the votes to impeach him and throw him out of office.”
The popular mainstream news outlet proclaimed, “Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.”
The members of the alleged cabal said they are prepared to engage in a legal war by sending letters to Trump appointees, threatening them with consequences if they “undermine constitutional norms.”
“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” said Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law.
The group plans to “create a coalition to challenge Trump from day one.”
The consortium includes the anti-authoritarian group Protect Democracy and Democracy Forward — a left-leaning organization that took the Trump administration to court over 100 times.
“We are preparing for litigation and preparing to use every tool in the toolbox that our democracy provides to provide the American people an ability to fight back. We believe this is an existential moment for American democracy, and it’s incumbent on everybody to do their part,” said Skye Perryman, president of Democracy Forward.
The idea of attempting to take the military away from Trump was lampooned on the X social media platform.
Columnist Tammy Bruce: “This is called a ‘coup,’ and openly discussed by the very same people who lecture you that *Trump* is the danger to democracy. Every day they panic even more exposing themselves for what they are. And they wonder why the American people have had enough.”
Author Mike Benz: “Never forget this tweet for the rest of your life. This is an admitted plan, in advance, for the military to no longer observe the military chain of command. This is military-run government. This is a plan to end civilian-run government.”
Communications director Greg Price: “Openly admitting that they are planning a militarycoup if Americans re-elect Donald Trump. All to protect democracy of course.”
Commentator Sean Davis: “Whenever Democrats accuse Trump of doing something, it’s a guarantee that Democrats are planning to do that very thing against Trump. Which means Democrats are preparing to use the military to steal the 2024 election and prevent their opponents from lawfully taking power.”
Editor in chief of the Federalist Mollie Hemingway: “What beautifully soft framing for your article about how Democrats are plotting to have the military undermine the Constitution and civilian control.”
Scientist Robert W. Malone: “As deep state democrats strategize a military coup if Trump gets re-elected – NBC soft pedals the treason. Neurolinguistic programming at work.”
Author Lee Smith: “Regime action plan 2024: seems ‘Caesar Trump’ rhetoric is devised to legitimize militarycoup if elected.”
Writer Ian Miles Cheong: “The establishment will not allow Trump to become president, and even if he does somehow make it, they’ll get the military to overthrow him. They are saying the quiet part out loud.”
Cultural commentator James Lindsay: “The Iron Law of Woke Projection never misses.”
Anarchist Michael Malice: “It’s not treason when the Good Guys do it.”