2024 Election

Man Dragged Out Of Hillary Clinton Event After Asking About Bill’s Trips To Epstein Island

Former Democrat US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was in for a rude awakening on Friday when her speech was interrupted by an individual demanding answers into the Clinton family’s relationship with deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Hillary Clinton was campaigning in Houston, Texas for Democrat Mayoral candidate Sheila Jackson Lee when independent journalist Alex Rosen interrupted her speech, which left both Clinton and attendees stunned.

“Hey, Hillary. Why did your husband visit Epstein Island 26 times?” Rosen shouted to Clinton as he rose up from his seat.

Clinton not answering the question prompted Rosen to repeat it. The video shows the crowd with shocked faces. Many attendees got up from their seats and began chanting “Sheila” in order to drown Rosen out.

Rosen attempted to get closer to the stage but was prevented by security. Video shows Rosen on the ground with multiple security guards dragging him out of the event by the back of his shirt.

The Clinton family has an extensive documented history with late pedophile and sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who reportedly took his life in a Manhattan jail cell in 2019 while awaiting trial for his crimes.

When Bill Clinton was President of the United States, Jeffrey Epstein visited the White House 17 times, according to visitor logs. Flight logs show that Bill Clinton flew to Epstein Island, also known as Pedophile Island, on the “Lolita Express” at least 26 times.


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Upon initial discovery that Bill Clinton was a frequent guest at Epstein’s “pedophile island,” the former Democrat president lied and said he had only visited the island 4 times. Bill Clinton, in a statement, claimed that his trips on Epstein’s private jet were in relation to Clinton Foundation philanthropy and that on “every leg of every trip” he was accompanied by staff, foundation supporters, and Secret Service agents.

However, Clinton’s statement was false. Bill Clinton reportedly ditched his security detail multiple times and declined Secret Service protection at least 5 times while aboard the “Lolita Express,” choosing to fly alone with Epstein.

Bill Clinton has maintained that he was unaware of Epstein’s “terrible crimes” during their friendship.

Following the interruption, Alex Rosen issued a public announcement on X to his followers and said: “I am not suicidal. I did not kill myself.” This in reference to the many people who have been found dead after claiming to have dirt on the Clinton family.

“I will never be quiet,” Rosen added.




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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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