2024 Election

Joy Reid Caught on Hot Mic Dissing Biden: “Starting Another F***ing War”

Reid was heard saying after introducing a clip of Biden talking about the border dispute with Congress, “Starting another f***ing war!”

Reid was likely commenting on the news that Biden is considering retaliatory strikes in the Middle East after Sunday’s deadly drone attack on U.S. troops at a base in Jordan that killed three Army reservists from Georgia and wounded several dozen soldiers.

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Reid later apologized for the profanity, but not the dis of Biden, telling viewers:

“I just want to apologize very quickly. Uh, I was chatting during a clip that was playing um, and you know we try to keep this show very PG-13. So I just want to apologize to anyone who was listening to my behind the scenes chatter. Uh, we deeply, deeply apologize for that, cuz you know it’s PG-13 around here.”

A home viewer captured the hot mic and apology, posting video clips to X Twitter:

In 2018, Reid infamously blamed hackers for un-PC blogs posts about gays (Medeiaite excerpt):

Mediaite has obtained a series of homophobic posts from Joy Ann Reid’s old blog that she denies were actually written by her.

In an exclusive statement to Mediaite, the MSNBC host claims these posts from The Reid Report — which include defending homophobia, gay jokes, and the outright mocking of gay people and homosexuality — were somehow put in by an “external party” that “manipulated material from my now-defunct blog.”

While Reid apologized in December for writing homophobic content on a blog she ran long before her days as an icon of the #Resistance movement, she claims these new posts opposing gay marriage and cringing “at the sight of two men kissing” were part of a “fabricated” outside effort to paint her as “offensive and hateful.”



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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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