2024 Election

Here We Go Again! Mask Mandates And Contact Tracing Are Being Re-Implemented At Colleges And Offices

There are reports circulating that colleges and offices are beginning to reinstate COVID mask mandates and contact tracing despite no new cases of the virus being reported.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported Monday that Morris Brown College, a black private liberal arts college has reinstated the measures as part of a “precautionary step.”

A communication issued by the college claims there have been “reports of positive cases among students in the Atlanta University Center,” a consortium of black colleges and universities located on the western side of Atlanta.

The measures, which include social distancing, temperature checks and no large gatherings are to be in place for two weeks, it is alleged.

Infowars’ Alex Jones reported last week that restrictions were getting ready to make a comeback:

In addition, it has been reported that California-based film studio Lionsgate has reimplemented a mask mandate at its Santa Monica office.

An internal memo states that “Employees must wear a medical grade face covering (surgical mask, KN95 or N95) when indoors except when alone in an office with the door closed, actively eating, actively drinking at their desk or workstation, or if they are the only individual present in a large open workspace.”

Los Angeles County Public Health has recommended that higher-risk residents need to wear masks, claiming that COVID cases are increasing, while admitting that hospitalizations remain low.

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The mainstream media is on board with this imaginary “COVID resurgence”.

@CitizenFreePress Tweeted out a video saying:

Truth is truth: “We don’t give a f–k about a new Covid strain, United States government. Biden, you still got to get the f–k out. We know this s–t is for the elections.”

@BelannF  on Twitter:

WHEN THE PROFITEERS TELL YOU TO MASK UP AND MANDATE THE JABS – WILL YOU COMPLY? Conclusions: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/P Ivermectin was associated with decreased mortality in COVID-19 with a low certainty of evidence. Further, adequately powered double-blinded placebo-controlled RCTs are required for definite conclusion. Of course, the medical industry will say the jabs are MUCH better regardless of what any study or country has proven by giving Ivermectin instead of the jabs.



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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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