2024 Election

Imminent Terror Threat: US Special Forces Sound Alarm

In an alarming development, US Special Forces have issued a warning about a potential imminent terror attack on American soil. 

US Special Forces Warns Of Imminent Terror Attack Inside America Video:

According to Modernity News,

The US Special Forces has warned in an open letter that America faces a “gravely” serious threat of a terrorist attack inside the country because of the direct actions of the Biden administration.

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Special Operations Association of America (SOAA) Chairman Christopher Miller, notes in the letter that his organisation is “concerned by the current heightened risk of terrorist attacks against targets inside the United States and both U.S. and allied interests abroad.”

Miller, who served as Acting Secretary of Defense towards the end of President Trump’s first term, adds that Biden’s slapdash withdrawal from Afghanistan is the main reason the threat of terrorism has re-emerged.

The action, Miller asserts has left America “without a viable stay-behind or over-the-horizon counterterrorism and intelligence capability to suppress threats,” and a power vacuum has allowed Islamist extremist groups to flourish again.

“The United States has lost significant intelligence collection capabilities in the region, leaving federal authorities blind and deaf to emerging threats emanating from the region,” the letter urges.

It continues, “The creation of new and reestablishment of previous terrorist training camps within Afghanistan has led to successful, deadly attacks by the Islamic State’s regional branch against targets in Iran and Russia and elsewhere, adding further credence to the notion that the U.S. is at risk.”

The letter also points to the wide open southern border as another factor, noting “This risk is compounded by developments in the Middle East and the porous, unsecured southern border through which we have seen numerous instances of individuals on terrorist watchlists and others from adversarial countries attempt to enter the U.S. – and those are the ones we know about only because they were detected,”

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“We do not know how many other terrorists are already currently inside the U.S.” it further proclaims.

SOAA represents Army Rangers and Green Berets, Navy SEALs, Marine Raiders, Air Force Air Commandos, and other special forces.

The comments dovetail with reports detailing how the Department of Homeland Security has identified over 400 immigrants from Central Asia and elsewhere who gained entry into the US in the past three years as “subjects of concern” owing to the fact they were brought by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network.

8 men from Tajikistan with possible ISIS-K ties were arrested in American cities Video:

ICE has arrested around 150 of them, and the DHS is aware of the location of most of the rest, however the whereabouts of over 50 remain unknown.

A recent report to Congress from the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) has also warned that al Qaeda has reestablished itself in Afghanistan.

Trump has charged that Biden is “providing material support for terrorism” by refusing to enforce border security.

“Under Biden, there’s been a 3,000 percent increase in the number of people on the terror watchlist crossing into our country from the southern border – 3,000 percent,” Trump warned.

He added, “that comes from the Border Patrol. Our country is going to pay a steep price for many, many years. This is a terrible thing that’s happened.”

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The most report notes that there are now “up to eight new al Qaeda training camps, one stockpile weapons base, and five madrassas this quarter with help from al Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent.”

The broader geopolitical context further complicates the security environment. The Israel-Hamas conflict has intensified extremist sentiments globally, with the US not immune to its ripple effects.

In light of these threats, there is a pressing need for vigilance and robust counter-terrorism measures. Conservative commentators have stressed the importance of maintaining strong border security and enhancing local law enforcement capabilities to counteract these dangers effectively. The porous southern border has been cited as a significant vulnerability, potentially allowing hostile actors to infiltrate the country.

Trump charged that Biden is guilty of “providing material support for terrorism.” Video:

Furthermore, the current administration’s approach to national security has been criticized for not adequately addressing these evolving threats. Some argue that a more assertive stance is necessary, including the deployment of advanced surveillance technologies and increased funding for counter-terrorism units at both federal and local levels.

The US Special Forces’ warning serves as a crucial call to action, urging citizens and officials alike to remain alert and proactive in safeguarding the nation’s security.



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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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