2024 Election

Biden’s Diversity Hire Under Fire for Past Anti-White and Anti-Police Social Media Posts

The Biden administration’s latest appointment to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) sector has ignited a significant controversy following the revelation that the appointee had previously posted tweets containing anti-white and anti-police sentiments.

This incident has sparked debate about the vetting process and the administration’s commitment to fostering unity and respect within the government.

These tweets, which were uncovered by keen-eyed internet users and critics, included remarks that many interpreted as overtly hostile towards white individuals and law enforcement officers.

This development has prompted a wave of criticism from conservative circles, questioning the suitability of such an individual for a role that ostensibly demands a commitment to equality and impartiality. One prominent critic stated, “How can someone entrusted with promoting diversity and inclusion harbor such divisive and inflammatory views? This goes against the very essence of what DEI stands for.”

The deleted tweets by ‘Tyler Cherry’ included statements that were perceived as disparaging towards white people and police officers. For instance, one tweet read, “White people have been at the root of most problems in society,” while another stated, “The police are nothing more than a tool of oppression.”

This controversy has also highlighted concerns about the vetting process within the Biden administration. Critics argue that the failure to identify and address these problematic views before the appointment suggests a lack of thoroughness and raises questions about the administration’s priorities. “The fact that these tweets went unnoticed during the vetting process is alarming. It indicates either a severe oversight or a troubling indifference to the appointee’s past behavior,” commented a political analyst.

Moreover, the incident underscores the broader issue of how social media histories can impact professional appointments, especially in high-stakes government roles. The expectation that public officials should uphold certain standards of conduct, both offline and online, has never been higher. This case serves as a stark reminder that past online behavior can resurface and have significant ramifications.

The administration’s response to this controversy has been relatively muted, with officials offering little in the way of public comment. However, sources within the administration suggest that there is internal disquiet and a reassessment of the vetting procedures. “This situation is not just embarrassing, it’s a wake-up call. We need to ensure that our appointees genuinely reflect the values we profess to uphold,” said an anonymous source.

This incident is a clear indication of the hypocrisy that can pervade DEI initiatives when not properly managed. The appointment of an individual with such a contentious online history to a role designed to foster inclusivity is seen as counterproductive. “DEI should be about bringing people together, not dividing them further with harmful rhetoric,” a conservative commentator noted.

Furthermore, this controversy has reignited the debate about the effectiveness and intentions behind DEI programs. Critics argue that while the aim of promoting diversity and inclusion is noble, it often gets undermined by the actions and attitudes of those who are supposed to implement it. “When DEI leaders exhibit such biased views, it undermines the credibility of the entire initiative. It’s imperative that those in charge embody the principles they are supposed to promote,” emphasized a critic.

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The fallout from this incident is likely to have lasting implications for the administration’s DEI agenda. There will undoubtedly be increased scrutiny on future appointments, with a more rigorous examination of candidates’ backgrounds and social media histories. This episode has highlighted the need for a more robust and transparent vetting process to prevent similar controversies in the future.


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Ella Ford is a mother of two, a Christian conservative writer with degrees in American History, Social and Behavioral Science and Liberal Studies, based in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area.


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